Module aethersprite.extensions.base.gmt
GMT time check and offset command
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"""GMT time check and offset command"""
# stdlib
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# 3rd party
from discord.ext.commands import Bot, command, Context
from pytz import timezone
# local
from aethersprite import log
from aethersprite.common import DATETIME_FORMAT, get_timespan_chunks
async def _time(ctx: Context, tz: str, offset: str | None):
delta = get_timespan_chunks(offset) if offset else (0, 0, 0)
days, hours, minutes = delta
thetime = datetime.utcnow().astimezone(timezone(tz)) + timedelta(
days=days, hours=hours, minutes=minutes
offset_str = thetime.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT)
await ctx.send(f":clock: {offset_str}")"{} requested {tz} offset of {delta}: {offset_str}")
@command(brief="Get current time or offset in GMT")
async def gmt(ctx: Context, *, offset: str | None = None):
Get current time in GMT or offset by days, hours, and minutes.
To get the current time, no arguments are necessary. To get offset time (e.g. 5 hours from now), provide values for days, hours, or minutes. For offsets in the past, use negative numbers.
Example: !gmt 3d 6h 17m <-- would request an offset of 3 days, 6 hours, 17 minutes
Arguments aren't validated, so anything goes... but please be reasonable. The command will silently fail if you choose an offset the bot can't process.
await _time(ctx, "Etc/GMT", offset)
@command(brief="Get current time or offset in UTC")
async def utc(ctx: Context, *, offset: str | None = None):
Get current time in UTC or offset by days, hours, and minutes.
To get the current time, no arguments are necessary. To get offset time (e.g. 5 hours from now), provide values for days, hours, or minutes. For offsets in the past, use negative numbers.
Example: !utc 3d 6h 17m <-- would request an offset of 3 days, 6 hours, 17 minutes
Arguments aren't validated, so anything goes... but please be reasonable. The command will silently fail if you choose an offset the bot can't process.
await _time(ctx, "Etc/UTC", offset)
async def setup(bot: Bot):
async def setup(bot:
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async def setup(bot: Bot): bot.add_command(gmt) bot.add_command(utc)