Messages Textual app
Global variables
Time to wait before allowing refresh after empty query result
class MessageFilter
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class MessageFilter: """Data class for filtering messages""" private = False """If `True`, show private messages; if `False`, show public messages""" tags: list[str] | None = None """Tag name(s) to filter for"""
Data class for filtering messages
Class variables
var private
, show private messages; ifFalse
, show public messages -
Tag name(s) to filter for
class MessagesApp (context: SSHContext,
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class MessagesApp(BannerApp): """Message bases Textual app""" BINDINGS = [ ("f", "filter", "Filter"), ("n", "compose", "Compose"), ("r", "reply", "Reply"), ("escape", "", "Exit"), ] CSS = """ $highlight: ansi_yellow; ListItem { background: $primary-background; layout: horizontal; } ListItem.even { background: $secondary-background; } ListView ListItem.--highlight { background: $highlight 50%; } ListView:focus ListItem.--highlight { background: $highlight; } ListItem Label.message_id { margin-right: 1; } """ """Stylesheet""" filter: MessageFilter """Current message filter""" _first = -1 """Newest message ID""" _last = -1 """Oldest message ID""" _recent_query: datetime | None = None """Time of last query""" _last_query_empty = False """If last query had no results""" def __init__( self, context: SSHContext, **kwargs, ): self.filter = MessageFilter() super().__init__(context, **kwargs) async def _allow_refresh(self) -> bool: """Avoid database call for a while if last refresh was empty.""" now = datetime.utcnow() if ( self._recent_query is not None and self._last_query_empty and (now - self._recent_query).total_seconds() < RATE_LIMIT_SECONDS ): return False self._recent_query = now return True async def _load_messages(self, newer=False) -> None: """Load messages and append/prepend to ListView.""" lv: ListView = self.query_one(ListView) first = len(lv.children) == 0 limit = lv.region.height * 2 query_limit = limit if first else lv.region.height messages: dict if first: messages = await get_latest_messages(self.filter.tags, query_limit) elif newer: messages = await get_newer_messages( self._last, self.filter.tags, query_limit ) else: messages = await get_older_messages( self._first, self.filter.tags, query_limit ) # remember if result was empty for rate limiting refresh if not messages: self._last_query_empty = True else: self._last_query_empty = False coros = [] # append/prepend items to ListView for idx, m in enumerate(messages): message_id = int(m["id"]) if self._first == -1 or message_id < self._first: self._first = message_id if self._last == -1 or message_id > self._last: self._last = message_id item = ListItem( Label( f"[italic][white]({m['id']})[/][/]", classes="message_id" ), Label(m["title"], classes="message_title", markup=False), id=f"message_{m['id']}", classes="even" if idx % 2 else "", ) coros.append(lv.append(item)) # add to top if pulling newer messages if newer and not first: lv.move_child(item, before=0) # if this is the first load, we're done! if first: for c in coros: await c return count = len(lv.children) last_index = lv.index or 0 # trim ListView items to limit if count > limit: lv.index = None how_many = count - limit for _ in range(how_many): if newer: # remove from bottom if loading newer items coros.append(lv.children[-1].remove()) else: # remove from top if loading older items coros.append(lv.children[0].remove()) # fix CSS striping for idx, c in enumerate(lv.children): c.set_classes("even" if idx % 2 else "") # set new first/last message ID assert lv.children[-1].id self._first = int(lv.children[-1].id.split("_")[1]) assert lv.children[0].id self._last = int(lv.children[0].id.split("_")[1]) # restore ListView selection index if newer: lv.index = how_many else: lv.index = last_index - how_many for c in coros: await c # keep selected item in view lv.scroll_to_widget(lv.children[lv.index], animate=False) # type: ignore async def _update_tags(self, tags: list[str]) -> None: lv = self.query_one(ListView) await lv.clear() self.filter.tags = [t for t in tags if t != ""] await self._load_messages() lv.index = 0 lv.focus() def compose(self) -> ComposeResult: # load widgets from BannerApp for widget in super().compose(): yield widget yield ListView(id="messages_list") yield Footer() async def action_compose(self) -> None: try: self.query_one(ListView) except NoMatches: # not in message list screen; pop screen first self.pop_screen() return await self.action_compose() await self.push_screen(EditorScreen()) async def action_filter(self) -> None: try: self.query_one(ListView) except NoMatches: # not in message list screen; pop screen first self.pop_screen() return await self.action_filter() await self.push_screen( FilterModal(tags=self.filter.tags), self._update_tags ) async def action_reply(self) -> None: try: lv: ListView = self.query_one(ListView) except NoMatches: # not in message list screen; pop screen first self.pop_screen() return await self.action_reply() assert lv.index is not None selected = lv.children[lv.index] assert message_id = int("_")[1]) message: Message = await Message.load(author=User.on(Message.author_id == == message_id ) ) await self.push_screen( EditorScreen( content=( f"\n\n---\n\n{} wrote:" f"\n\n{message.content}" ), reply_to=message, ) ) async def on_key(self, event: events.Key) -> None: if event.key not in [ "down", "end", "escape", "home", "pagedown", "pageup", "up", ]: return try: lv: ListView = self.get_widget_by_id("messages_list") # type: ignore except NoMatches: # we're not in the messages list screen; bail out return if event.key == "escape": self.exit() if event.key in ("home", "pageup"): if lv.index == 0 and self._allow_refresh(): # hit top boundary; load newer messages await self._load_messages(newer=True) lv.index = 0 elif event.key in ("end", "pagedown"): last = len(lv.children) - 1 if lv.index == last and self._allow_refresh(): # hit bottom boundary; load older messages await self._load_messages() lv.index = last elif event.key == "up" and lv.index == 0 and self._allow_refresh(): # hit top boundary; load newer messages await self._load_messages(newer=True) elif ( event.key == "down" and lv.index == len(lv.children) - 1 and self._allow_refresh() ): # hit bottom boundary; load older messages await self._load_messages() async def on_list_view_selected(self, event: ListView.Selected) -> None: """Load selected message in MarkdownViewer.""" assert message_id = int("_")[1]) message: Message = await Message.get(message_id) await self.push_screen(ViewScreen(message=message)) async def on_event(self, event: events.Event | events.MouseScrollDown): await super().on_event(event) scroll = False down = False if isinstance(event, events.MouseScrollDown): scroll = True down = True elif isinstance(event, events.MouseScrollUp): scroll = True down = False if not scroll: return try: lv = self.query_one(ListView) except NoMatches: # no ListView; might be in modal/editor return if down and lv.is_vertical_scroll_end and await self._allow_refresh(): await self._load_messages() lv.index = len(lv.children) - round(lv.region.height * 1.25) lv.scroll_end(animate=False) lv.scroll_to(None, lv.index, animate=False) elif ( not down and lv.scroll_offset.y == 0 and await self._allow_refresh() ): await self._load_messages(newer=True) lv.index = round(lv.region.height * 1.25) lv.scroll_home(animate=False) lv.scroll_to(None, lv.index - lv.region.height + 1, animate=False) async def on_ready(self) -> None: """App is ready; load messages.""" # halt briefly for banner to fully load await sleep(0.1) await self._load_messages() lv = self.query_one(ListView) lv.index = 0 lv.focus()
Message bases Textual app
Create an instance of an app.
- Driver class or
to auto-detect. This will be used by some Textual tools. css_path
- Path to CSS or
to use theCSS_PATH
class variable. To load multiple CSS files, pass a list of strings or paths which will be loaded in order. watch_css
- Reload CSS if the files changed. This is set automatically if
you are using
textual run
with thedev
- When the supplied CSS path(s) are an unexpected type.
- BannerApp
- XthuluApp
- typing.Generic
- textual.dom.DOMNode
- textual.message_pump.MessagePump
Class variables
var CSS
var filter : MessageFilter
Current message filter
async def action_compose(self) ‑> None
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async def action_compose(self) -> None: try: self.query_one(ListView) except NoMatches: # not in message list screen; pop screen first self.pop_screen() return await self.action_compose() await self.push_screen(EditorScreen())
async def action_filter(self) ‑> None
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async def action_filter(self) -> None: try: self.query_one(ListView) except NoMatches: # not in message list screen; pop screen first self.pop_screen() return await self.action_filter() await self.push_screen( FilterModal(tags=self.filter.tags), self._update_tags )
async def action_reply(self) ‑> None
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async def action_reply(self) -> None: try: lv: ListView = self.query_one(ListView) except NoMatches: # not in message list screen; pop screen first self.pop_screen() return await self.action_reply() assert lv.index is not None selected = lv.children[lv.index] assert message_id = int("_")[1]) message: Message = await Message.load(author=User.on(Message.author_id == == message_id ) ) await self.push_screen( EditorScreen( content=( f"\n\n---\n\n{} wrote:" f"\n\n{message.content}" ), reply_to=message, ) )
async def on_event(self, event: |
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async def on_event(self, event: events.Event | events.MouseScrollDown): await super().on_event(event) scroll = False down = False if isinstance(event, events.MouseScrollDown): scroll = True down = True elif isinstance(event, events.MouseScrollUp): scroll = True down = False if not scroll: return try: lv = self.query_one(ListView) except NoMatches: # no ListView; might be in modal/editor return if down and lv.is_vertical_scroll_end and await self._allow_refresh(): await self._load_messages() lv.index = len(lv.children) - round(lv.region.height * 1.25) lv.scroll_end(animate=False) lv.scroll_to(None, lv.index, animate=False) elif ( not down and lv.scroll_offset.y == 0 and await self._allow_refresh() ): await self._load_messages(newer=True) lv.index = round(lv.region.height * 1.25) lv.scroll_home(animate=False) lv.scroll_to(None, lv.index - lv.region.height + 1, animate=False)
Called to process an event.
- An Event object.
async def on_key(self, event: ‑> None
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async def on_key(self, event: events.Key) -> None: if event.key not in [ "down", "end", "escape", "home", "pagedown", "pageup", "up", ]: return try: lv: ListView = self.get_widget_by_id("messages_list") # type: ignore except NoMatches: # we're not in the messages list screen; bail out return if event.key == "escape": self.exit() if event.key in ("home", "pageup"): if lv.index == 0 and self._allow_refresh(): # hit top boundary; load newer messages await self._load_messages(newer=True) lv.index = 0 elif event.key in ("end", "pagedown"): last = len(lv.children) - 1 if lv.index == last and self._allow_refresh(): # hit bottom boundary; load older messages await self._load_messages() lv.index = last elif event.key == "up" and lv.index == 0 and self._allow_refresh(): # hit top boundary; load newer messages await self._load_messages(newer=True) elif ( event.key == "down" and lv.index == len(lv.children) - 1 and self._allow_refresh() ): # hit bottom boundary; load older messages await self._load_messages()
async def on_list_view_selected(self, event: textual.widgets._list_view.ListView.Selected) ‑> None
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async def on_list_view_selected(self, event: ListView.Selected) -> None: """Load selected message in MarkdownViewer.""" assert message_id = int("_")[1]) message: Message = await Message.get(message_id) await self.push_screen(ViewScreen(message=message))
Load selected message in MarkdownViewer.
async def on_ready(self) ‑> None
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async def on_ready(self) -> None: """App is ready; load messages.""" # halt briefly for banner to fully load await sleep(0.1) await self._load_messages() lv = self.query_one(ListView) lv.index = 0 lv.focus()
App is ready; load messages.
Inherited members