Userland entry point
async def main(cx: SSHContext) ‑> None
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async def main(cx: SSHContext) -> None: if cx.encoding == "utf-8": cx.echo("\x1b%G") elif cx.env["TERM"] != "ansi": cx.echo("\x1b%@\x1b(U") if cx.encoding != "utf-8": # if you don't use Textual apps, you can lift this restriction cx.echo( "[red]ERROR:[/] Unfortunately, only [bright_white]utf-8[/] " "encoding is currently supported\n" ) return cx.console.set_window_title(f"{cx.username}@79columns") await scroll_art(cx, path.join("userland", "artwork", "login.ans"), "cp437") await cx.inkey("Press any key to continue", "dots8Bit", timeout=5) # new user application if cx.username == "guest": result = await cx.gosub("nua") if result == "create": cx.echo("Yeah, only that's not ready yet.\n\n") return if not result or result == "logoff": return cx.console.set_window_title("system information") await scroll_art( cx, path.join("userland", "artwork", "sysinfo.ans"), "amiga" ) cx.echo( ":skull: [bold bright_green]x[/][green]thulu[/] ", f"terminal server [italic]v{version('xthulu')}[/]\n", "[bright_black][/]\n\n", ) # alpine only? await cx.redirect(["/bin/ash", "-c", "uname -a; echo -e '\\r'; sleep 0.1"]) await cx.inkey("Press any key to continue", "arc") cx.console.set_window_title("logging in...") bar_text = "".join( [ "[bright_white]Connecting:[/] ", f"[bright_cyan underline]{}[/]", f"@[cyan]{cx.ip}[/]", ] ) waiting = True for _ in track( sequence=range(20), description=bar_text, console=cx.console ): if waiting and await cx.inkey(timeout=0.1): waiting = False await cx.inkey(timeout=0.1) # show bar at 100% before switching screens await cx.gosub("oneliners") cx.goto("main")